Colleges for Dentistry

Every school teaches similar dentistry education but the thing that makes them stand out is there uniqueness in the way they teach it. These are a couple colleges for dentistry that really stand out among other all around the country.

Harvard University: 
Harvard is always a top school for almost every education purpose but in dental they really stand out. First off the professors there are world renowned for their vast knowledge and research. One thing that Harvard does that other university's don't is put the dental students in joint classes with medical students. This expands what they are learning and better prepares them for their careers. Harvard makes it a really simple and effective transition to their careers after school.

University of Pacific
This is one of the more expensive dental schools you can go to but worth every penny you spend. They are the only university to have an accelerated program which gives you your D.D.S in only three years while still having a higher education than most 4-year schools. University of Pacific is also very hard to get into but is very rewarding for those that attend this college.

University of Maryland at Baltimore:
The first college in the world to have dental education. With the new facility upgrades that were done in 2006 UofMB is one of the most technically advanced dental schools in America today. The founders are Drs. Horace H. Hayden and Chapin A. Harris which are considered to be the "founders of dentistry". This university is no doubt a staple in dentistry history and a very good place to learn.

University of North Carolina:
Known for its outstanding teaching and research, University of North Carolina is a top place to go to school for dentistry. Having the new dental school building put in really put UNC on the map for dentistry. With the strong funding behind them and great professors it is overall a really nice place to become a dentist.

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